About Me

About Me



I’m Asher, and it’s great to meet you.  I am a Side Hustle Coach and Mentor. I’m a great believer in putting your passions to work to create additional income streams. WHY? Because when you are working with something you love to do, the work although hard at times, has much more pleasure attached to it. WHY? Because you are literally creating products, programs or services from work you would already be doing on your passion – only this time, you would be creating to sell to others who are looking for the solutions to problems that you are offering. This is what inspires me to work with you on your passion projects. You can register for passion projects below. Use the Contact Form to contact me if you would like more information.


I am a firm believer that everyone has at least one book inside their head – that book about your travels; that book you’ve always wanted to write for your grandchildren; the book that teaches people how to do your thing! If this is you, and you need a start, join my ‘WRITE THAT BOOK’ course and I’ll get you from choosing your title to publishing your book – in 12 weeks! Ready to go: REGISTER FOR THE COURSE HERE



Your passion is your greatest income generator and also your greatest untapped resource. Outside of the job – everyone has passion projects they engage with, that if faced in the direction of creating products, programmes or services that help others to solve problems they have – could earn you side hustle money you can use to buy more freedom time. When you’re ready to put your passion to work in your own interests, this is the course for you. Now is the time to ‘START THAT SIDE HUSTLE’!  Join my mailing list to get information about whent his course will open for registration.


This is a great course for you, whether you are all about sharing stories of your adventures and experiences, or, you’re a side hustler who wants to share your journey with your audience; or, you are a fully fledged entrepreneur who want to start a podcast as a way of keeping in regular contact with your customers. You can do it all with my podcast course!
Starting a podcast is a great way to share your passion project and is also a way support your audience to solve the problems they have. If you know nothing about podcasts… and you want to start from scratch in a step-by-step way – this is the course for you! Ready to take the plunge ENROLL HERE

Reach Out

Contact Me

Emal me with your questions and quieries. I would love to hear from you. Reach me at


Elevate Your 'Best Life' Choices!


Write That Book

Start That Side Hustle

Start That Podcast

